The TRUTH of Manston Aiport
-Countering the false information being spread by those against the airport.
Throughout our campaign to re-open Manston Airport, there has been a constant campaign of mis-information by those who do not wish to see Manston Airport succeed.
In the following sections, we will answer the 'questions' (lies) one by one and quote actual fact and truth from documentation and legislation.
1 - Will there be Night Flights?
No. There has never been and never will be plans for scheduled night flights in and out of Manston Airport. It is written into legal text and must be adhered to, other RSP will be in contravention of the DCO.
The DCO (Legislation) clearly states that:
" (2) No aircraft is to take-off or be scheduled to land between the hours of 23:00 and 06:00 "
" (3) No passenger air transport departures are to take place between the hours of 09:00 and 11:30. There must only be one passenger air transport departure between the hours of 11:30 and 11:44 and one passenger air transport departure between the hours of 11:45 and 12:00. There must only be one scheduled passenger air transport arrival between the hours of 07:00 and 08:00. "
" (4) No passenger air transport departures are to take place between the hours of 20:00 and 21:00. There must only be one passenger air transport arrival between the hours of 16:00 and 17:00; only two passenger air transport departures between the hours of 1800 and 19:00; and only one passenger air transport departure between the hours of 19:00 and 20:00. "
You can find this in the DCO (found here) on Pages 43 and 44 in the 'Airport operation' section.

We have also seen some posts about the airport requiring 24hr Operations staff, and there is a valid reason for that.
It is important to remember that an airport that size of Manston must be ready to accept Emergency aircraft at anytime, due to engine failures, medical emergency or any urgent or distress situation.
You also have aircraft being moved (towed) between stands, from maintenance to stands for operations and vice versa - for this you require an operations crew.
You will also need engineers, technicians, warehouse workers and logistics to work overnight, whislt there is no flying. This is the standard case at every airport.
So whilst some see the threat of night-time employment as a result of flying, they are wrong. You need all this employment whilst planes are on the ground or elsewhere.
2 - How many planes over Ramsgate?
Using the worst case scenario (maximum movements allowed in DCO p43) would result in one freighter or passenger plane every 28 minutes over Ramsgate.
Here's a breakdown of the math if you don't believe us:
DCO maximum movements = 17,170 freight + 9,298 passenger = 26,468 movements.
Divided by 365 gives 72 movements per day but only half (36) will be over Ramsgate. (Wind direction).
It is a 17 hour day (0600-2300) = 1,020 minutes.
Divide that by 36 gives one movement every 28 minutes over Ramsgate.
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