Our Campaign
Our campaign started in March 2014, when the Facebook group 'Save Manston Airport' was started.
30th March 2014 - Acol Village Hall
The first major public meeting took place at Acol village hall on 30th March 2014 - organised by North Thanet MP Sir Roger Gale, and then South Thanet MP Laura Sandys.
A petition to keep Manston open, started by Dan Light, amassed over 12,000 signatures in very little time.
You can find the report of that meeting, written up by WNM? here:

A packed Acol village hall!
Lots of people couldn't get in so were standing outside. We even had a Boeing 747 land, which was fitting.

9th April 2014 - KLM's final flight at Manston
On April 9th 2014, KLM City Hopper's final flight departs Manston. The Fokker 100 aircraft had a lovely send off, in front of many airport supporters.

15th May 2014 - Manston closes its doors
On the day of Manston's closure, a large rally was held outside the terminal to say thanks and bid farewell and good luck to all the workers who lost their jobs as a result.

A massive turnout!

Some videos to check out!
22nd May 2014 - Petition presented to TDC
The fight to save the airport continued, as about 50 protesters wound their way through the town from The Parade on the seafront to the council offices in Cecil Street, waving banners and flags.
They handed in a petition with around 4,000 signatures, in a bid to persuade the council to issue a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) on the airport site. -Kent Online.
The first of many flag-bashing events to take place on the steps of Thanet District Council.

21st July 2014 - Petition signed by 26,000 presented to 10 Downing St.
A petition was presented to 10 Downing St, by the Thanet MPs Sir Roger Gale and Laura Sandys, TG Aviation and the Save Manston Airport group.
This petition had 26,524 signatures in support of re-opening Manston as a working airport : 16,552 online & 9,972 on paper :
“We do not want Manston Airport to close! there are many good points to this site. We have flights on our doorstep, it will create more jobs and if the powers that be are thinking of spending money on improving rail networks for the area it will tie in nicely with Manston Airport.”

Work in progress...
to be added to in due course!
Please consider donating to support us.
Every penny received goes towards the campaign to Save Manston Airport.