Currently, we are awaiting the
re-issue of the Manston Airport DCO by the Secretary Of State (Transport); following the request for further submissions in response to the DRAFT ARUP report.
We understand it is frustrating, but hopefully we don't have much longer to wait. We can but hope!
For now, stay strong.
We've been waiting for 8 years, which has shown our resilience and resolve, throughs ups and down.
Don't worry we are still here. We are not going anywhere!
Make sure to join our group if you haven't done so already.
(Search for 'Save Manston Airport association group')
Stay Positive Troops!
SMAa Committee

Let’s hope he gets settled shortly holding back the whole area and will bring in some high-paid jobs. What young people need in the area David
I am 88 how much longer must I wait for this Government to say yes or no about opening Manston just say the word and put us to sleep because I will be dead before you make up your minds
Mrs Busby